Fair Tax week 2020
This week is Fair Tax Week running from 13th-21st June.
Fair Tax Week is a UK-wide celebration of the companies and organisations that are proud to pay their fair share of corporation tax; those who commit to following both the spirit and the letter of the law, creating a level playing field for business and making a positive contribution to society.
More than fifty businesses including FTSE-listed PLCs, co-operatives, social enterprises and large private business – that between them have over 7,000 offices and outlets, have achieved Fair Tax Mark certification since its launch in February 2014. At the heart of the scheme is an expectation that businesses commit to exemplar corporate tax behaviour with transparent reporting, shunning the use of tax havens and paying their fair share of corporation tax.
We had hoped to be heavily involved in events this week in recognition of the importance we place on paying fair tax but that was not possible in the current situation
We want to add our voice to those celebrating the fact they pay their taxes. When we developed the Good Business Charter we always knew payment of fair tax would be one of our 10 components.
Not only does it benefit businesses now in terms of roads to transport goods, the NHS to keep staff healthy and the infrastructure to enable businesses to operate, taxes pay for the education of your future workforce too!
As Julian Richer, Founder and Managing Director of GBC member Richer Sounds said: “Richer Sounds is proud to pay the tax it owes. It’s only fair that businesses contribute to the infrastructure that enables us to operate, from the roads, which transport our goods, to the NHS for keeping our team healthy, the police that protect our property and the schools that educate our people. As a Fair Tax Mark certified business I know that we’re benchmarking our tax conduct against a robust, independent standard. It’s about fairness. Businesses should pay their way and compete on a level-playing field.”
A huge contribution to society can be made just by businesses paying their taxes. The general public expects this and we hope to be part of recognising those responsible businesses that pay fair tax.
As government step in to help businesses, we see more than ever the importance of paying tax. It’s only fair.