Displaying the GBC Brand with Pride
The Good Business Charter displays to customers, suppliers, employees and potential employees that members care about responsible business. Our vision is to see it become such a recognised brand in the UK that people who care about responsible business will look for it when they enter a shop or choose a job to apply for.
That is why we have kept it simple. 10 clear components with nothing hidden. If an organisation signs up to the Good Business Charter the general public can look on our website and quickly capture what that actually means. There is no average point score – just a simple description of what an organisation has committed to.
If an organisation is displaying the GBC logo that means they are paying the real living wage, they do ensure certain conditions are used for zero hour contracts, they do pay their taxes without engaging in tax avoidance, they do have objectives for how to reduce their environmental impact, they are committed to the Prompt Payment Code for suppliers, etc.
We want to encourage our members to display their GBC brand with pride and were thrilled to see the TSB do just that last week as they added it to their display screens in their high street branches.

Prior to that, one of our Scottish members proudly displayed our logo on one of their minibuses – and we are excited to see them on their fleet of buses soon too.